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♦ Peeves ♦
The cauldron began to bubble and steam and really stink. The bubbling became more and more rapid and suddenly, a head popped up out of the liquid, face to face with the girl.
"Splish, splash, Peeves is taking a bath!" Peeves sang as he burst up out of the cauldron, showering students in every direction with charteuse, stinky warm fluid.
Miranda squeeled and dropped to the floor, arms thrown over her head. Her robes were soaked. Scurrying over to the corner, she stayed against the wall as Peeves continued to wreck havoc, some people started singing, and a girl hit her head. At least her potion hadn't exploded.
She looked back at her work station, seeing the broken vials of completed potion next to her now completely empty cauldron.
She was very torn between laughing and crying.
She inched back towards her workstation, and starting cleaning it all up.