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"I don't-care." Freya said with a bit of a pause. 'Well, not much, but...' She shook her head. "I've had to shapen up too. So I can't be all dumpy and uncaring so much anymore. It's bound to help me in the professional world too." Freya flicked Nathaniels hand with her nail, laughing slightly. "Aww, someone cares about what happens." She rolled her eyes a little then glanced at his bag. "Hmm, I don't think I want to search through that thing." She brought her eyes to her book again, 'Dirty guy stuff in there, yuck. Probably all covered in dust and dirt. They never wash anything unless you force them too.' Looking around the room she wondered where the healer was. It would be good to get Nathaniel up and moving around again on his own two feet.
"If you say so Freya."Nathaniel rolled his eyes. Whatever she said.
"You weren't 'dumpy' last term." he said scratching his head. He put his hair back in place and said
"I do care. You should know that by now.".
"And why don't you want to look in my bag? Think I'm a dirty little bugger? Hmm?"