Thread: Hospital Ward
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Old 01-27-2009, 02:07 PM   #14 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by EquestrianGal88 View Post
She glared at him for a moment, "Is it that obvious?" Her teeth weren't dirty, Freya just always liked to have a nice clean mouth. "I brush my teeth at least five times a day." At Nathaniel's next statement, Freya gave a sigh, "I think about the future too. But I'm just all confused about what I want to do at the moment." Having hobbies was good, but when you have too many, things tend to become overly complicated. Freya tore out a piece of parchment from her notepad and folded it into a 'fan', taking out her wand she charmed the paper so that it would sweep a nice breeze on the injured Nathaniel. "Better?" Freya asked as she watched the fan go back and forth, she then took out her potions book and flipped through a few pages until finding something interesting.
"You've been checking your appearance way more this term than last. What's with that?" he asked knowing that she would brush it off. Nathaniel moved his hair out of his eyes. He quickly with pain grabbed his backpack and took his contact case and glasses out. "I know what I want for the future" he said as he took his contacts out and put them in their case. He then put them back in his bag and hung it up again. Putting on his glasses again "Thanks for the fan. I just don't like wearing a t-shirt and I'm used to being at home and not having to wear one.". He watched as she took her book out. "I'm sorry that you're bored..."
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