Thread: Hospital Ward
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Old 01-27-2009, 01:47 PM   #12 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by EquestrianGal88 View Post
"It's not that I don't. I just don't think about it." Freya said as she snapped her mirror shut and placed it back into her bag. 'I want to brush my teeth...' "That's good, because if he went after my owl he'd be in big trouble. You just got your cat I'm guessing?" She shook her head a little at Nathaniel's last comment, "Well, I did mess my back up over the summer, it's still healing unfortunately."
"Freya you can brush your teeth if you want." he said has she shut her mirror. It was obvious that she was looking at them for that reason. "I managed to do that at least this morning." he said smiling and showing his perfect teeth. "Well,I think about kids. I'm always thinking about the future." he said wishing he could draw in his sketch pad but he knew Freya would NOT let that happen."It sure is hot in here." he said with a sigh. He hated wearing a shirt for some reason. He tugged at his shirt ever so slightly. "And did I not tell you to come up here?"
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