Blue eyes darted to and fro, from the class wrecking havoc to the higglety pigglety that would be her desk. Matilda watched the Wombat of a Poltergeist swoop round the room with squawks of peeling laughter. What happened to the acorn-scurvy-grass-billywig-wings slop?
Lady Morgan, Matilda thought. It was not a prayer nor a plead. It was something of both. She actually did a double take when a potion shattered as it connected with a Ravenclaw girl. Both the hospital bill and glassware would cost.
Matilda was thankful it was not her. Too thankful, actually. It was all in due tactics of a perfect escape! The brunette stood, casting a quick glance at Professor Bontecou’s general direction and dashed out of the classroom.
“I’ll check the homework board later,” she promised herself... and then forgot.