SuperClaw Amie de Rogue ♥
Patricia noted the instructions carefully before going up to get her ingredients. With her hands full, she returned to her seat and placed everything properly on the table. She lit the fire under her cauldron, adding the 500ml of water inside. She then peeled and crushed the acorn meat, using the flat side of her knife. She poked inside her Potions' kit and took the scurvy grass jar out; measured 1 dram of it with her scales. She was now ready to start brewing after giving her ingredients another look to see if she wasn't missing anything.
The water in the cauldron was finally boiling, bubbling gently on the surface. She added the ingredients and started to stir. That's when she saw the Poltergeist in the room. "Oh no!" she sighed ruefully, hoping it wouldn't disrupt the whole class. She looked to the front of the class, still stirring, mindful of the time and trying to see if the professor had seen the poltergeist too.
Keeping her eyes trained alternately between her cauldron, the clock and the poltergeist, she brewing time was done quickly. Doing her last stir, she extinguished the fire under the cauldron and placed it on the cooling station. That was quite easy, or so she thought, as her eyes followed the movements of the poltergeist in the room and how it was upsetting a few people. "Geez!" she rolled her eyes at the girl who dove under her desk.
"Professor... can't you just shoo it away?" she asked, pointing to Peeves.