Join Date: May 2008 Location: Leicester, UK
Posts: 567
Hogwarts RPG Name: Krysta Hedwig Sixth Year | I felt like posting some more so here you go This Chapter is very long and will be in four parts. Here's part three:
xxxx Chapter 27, Part 3
Harry felt like they stared into each other's faces for eternity. Behind her, Caeleb was chuckling cruelly, wringing his hands together in sadistic glee. It was the look in the vampire's eyes that told him what this was all about. Power. Power over the girl whose destiny it was to destroy him. He'd seen the same insane satisfaction the night Krys had let the vile creature drink from her.
And now he was going to make Hermione kill her closest friend.
"I'm sorry." She repeated and Harry gasped when he saw the object glinting in her hands. He'd seen the dagger before in his dreams but now his friend was holding to his chest. The twisted multiple blades seemed almost alive, writhing around each other as she turned the weapon in her hands. Caeleb had fallen silent and was watching with nervous fascination. He clearly recognised the dagger too.
"Hermione…" began Harry, his eyes pleading with hers. She shook her head sadly and gripped the dagger so hard her knuckles were white.
"This is the only way." She said, her voice shaky but determined. She sounded insane. This wasn't happening it couldn't be. Why was no-one stepping in to stop her? Even Ron had fallen silent, holding Ginny as if for dear life. Harry felt a complete inability to stop her. She was, after all a lot smaller than him and never been in a fight in her life. Harry on the other hand was a good few inches taller and a life with the Dursleys had taught him how to take care of himself. So why wasn't he taking the knife from her, overpowering her and stopping this madness?
Deep down he knew the answer.
He knew in a crazy way that it had to be done. To save the day and win the war sacrifices had to be made. Dumbledore had taught him that. So had his parents' death. But Harry knew it was also something deeper than that; something he'd barely been able to admit to himself. He didn't fear it any longer and a tiny, lonely part of him almost wished it; wished to feel that peace once more.
Harry braced himself, waiting for the blade to strike home. But it never did.
What did happen happened so quickly that no one, not even the vampire had time to react.
Harry found himself pushed to the side and he heard the scream before his eyes could even register what was going on.
Hermione had grabbed a hold of Sharon's tiny frame, gripping her tightly from behind. Sharon cried out again in alarm but suddenly stopped struggling when she felt the cold sharpness of metal against her throat. Caeleb watched with fascinated confusion.
"Child, what do you hope to…"
He broke off suddenly, holding his nose high in the air as though catching the scent of smoke on the breeze. A new horrified expression had filled his eyes and a snarl touched his lips. Hermione's eyes gleamed and Harry and the others stared in horror as a thin trickle of crimson blood ran down Sharon's neck staining her white flesh. What was Hermione playing at?
Caeleb had closed his eyes and was inhaling deeply savouring the scent of Sharon's blood, but when he opened his eyes once more, the fearful anger had returned to them.
"That's right, Caeleb." Hermione crooned. "Now I have a new deal. You leave, get the hell out, and I let her live." She announced firmly. Caeleb snarled and made to leap at them but stopped when Hermione visibly pressed the blades firmly against Sharon's jugular.
"Hermione what are you doing?" hissed Harry, but she ignored him. Her eyes never left the vampire who seemed to be oozing fury from every pore. He swayed erratically as though intoxicated, fists clenching and unclenching his eyes never leaving Hermione and the girl she held captive.
He licked the air like a dog trying to taste the delicious smells that wafted in from a kitchen.
"Smells good doesn't she?" asked Hermione teasingly.
"Hermione, come on let her go." Ron finally spoke up though his voice showed he was just as confused as Harry was.
"You wouldn't do it. She is innocent." Said Caeleb attempting to call Hermione's bluff. Hermione stood her ground, firm and obstinate.
"No one is innocent, Caeleb. Besides, if I was capable of killing my best friend do you not think me capable of killing her?" she paused to let him mull this over. "I would kill her in a second if it meant saving a hundred others." She announced coldly and Harry felt a chill run down his spine at her words. "Are you going to let me? Shall I kill that last of her blood? After Sharon it's all gone, you know that." Hermione told him slowly and almost compassionately. Caeleb's eyes had softened and he appeared to be struggling. "If I kill her now your Father will have won. Is that what you want?" she continued and in his head Harry began to make sense of it all.
It hadn't occurred to him before, but if Krys was a descendant of this insane creature of darkness then so too was Sharon. And she was the last. Hugo Dracus had hunted down and murdered each one of them. Now Sharon was all that was left. Harry remembered back to that night in the forest, the night he had died. He had seen the almost schizophrenic feelings the vampire had for the woman he had called his sister. His instinct to kill her ad destroy the Coven had been overwhelmed by his feelings of love for his blood kin.
His insanity had somehow warped and spliced the feelings, mutated them so the he had come to crave the blood of his kin, to need it like an addiction, it intoxicated him like an elixir and gave him a high so elite that no other blood could ever satisfy him.
But it made him even more insane: the urge to drink, to consume contradicting the urge to reserve his Mother's bloodline.
Now he gazed at his last descendant, pure and innocent as she was and Harry felt like Caeleb's thoughts were inside his head and when he looked at the helpless girl he felt the craving too.
They had him now though, Harry could tell, he could feel it as though they were his own thoughts. Caeleb did not want Hermione to kill his Sister; he did not want that at all. He didn't know what he wanted, but he didn't want that.
"If she dies it will be by my hand, not yours, witch." Caeleb finally relented and Hermione's eyes shrank to sceptical slits.
"Then leave this place." She demanded.
"First I want his word…" Caeleb announced pointing his long, bony finger at Harry who already knew what the request would be.
"As long as I live, Hugo Dracus shall remain a prisoner beneath this castle." Harry announced solemnly and sincerely. Caeleb nodded and looked about ready to take his leave when a final deafening crash shook the entrance hall. Sharon suddenly squealed as her neck was jolted forward against the blades still held at her throat. Hermione cried out in alarm at the sight of blood on the weapon she wielded and in the panic it dropped to floor, metal clattering against stone.
Instinct made Harry grab for it but it flew away from his hand as if moved by an unseen force. Ginny pulled free from Ron to grab it with both fists whilst Harry and Fred caught Sharon just before she hit the ground. She appeared to be alright but blood flowed freely from her wound and Harry realised just how sharp the dagger was as he tried to stop the bleeding with his handkerchief.
Hermione was standing in the same position staring at her blood-soaked hands. Her mouth was open, her lips trembling.
"Hermione!" he yelled but got no response. Just feet away Caeleb was shrieking obscenities.
Ginny held the dagger defensively as though expecting him to attack any second but Caeleb's anger was not directed at them or at Hermione. Instead it was at the cause of the earthquake that had resulted in Sharon's demise.
"She's ok, Caeleb. She's going to be alright." Harry heard himself screaming but Caeleb paid him no heed. Instead he fixed Harry with a look filled with so much anger and hatred that Harry felt as though he had no choice but to do as the vampire was about to request.
"Take me to the Chamber…NOW!"
He couldn't believe he was down here again. He looked sideways at Hermione in desperation that she may have some idea of how to get them out of this. She just shook her head, her eyes betraying how scared she really was. She gripped the hand that was draped over her shoulder a little harder as though afraid Sharon would fall to the floor. The girl whimpered and shrank away from Hermione. Harry couldn't blame her after the stunt Hermione had just pulled.
On her other side Ron was taking the majority of Sharon's weight, Hermione simply there for support. Sharon leaned against Ron, her eyes barely open. The wound on her neck would not stop bleeding although the blood-flow had slowed a little. She had become so pale now that her skin was practically white. Sallow, grey smudges had appeared under her eyes and her lips had adopted a sickly blue tinge to them.
Caeleb had made them bring her. All four twins had stayed above ground but Ginny had been dragged along: something the vampire had insisted on. Why, Harry didn't know unless she was just more insurance, another life to exchange. She clung close to Harry, her expression dark and angry. He was impressed and proud. Most girls' reaction would have simply been fear but Ginny held her head high looking Caeleb directly in the eye as he addressed her.
"I'm sure you're beginning to feel right at home down here, my dear." He sneered teasingly. "You better hope your boyfriend does as he's told, girl." He added menacingly and she flinched involuntarily, moving closer to Harry and taking his arm. Caeleb sneered at the gesture then turned his attention to Harry.
"Well…" he ordered and Harry gulped so hard he was sure Ginny could hear it next to him. He turned to the chamber entrance and closing his eyes, taking a deep breath he spoke the parsel tongue once more. With a clunk and the metallic slithering of the snake-shaped locking mechanism the door began to swing open.
Caeleb's eyes burned with hatred as his eyes immediately picked out the figure of his Father waiting on the other side.
Hugo was standing in the middle of the chamber his eyes glaring up at the now open doorway. Suddenly the air had turned thick and hot but Harry's spine shivered. In that moment it felt like Caeleb and his Father were the only two in the room. Finally Hugo broke his gaze to look upon his son's companions. His lips curled into a sneer when he saw Hermione and Harry could see that the master vampire knew exactly who and what she was.
"Brought some arsenal did you, son?" he asked, his voice deep and grated. His screams and shouts of anger had left him almost hoarse. Hugo's eyes locked on Harry. "Ah and the key of course." He added.
His corrupted smile faltered a little when his gaze rested on the red head standing close behind Harry. "Interesting." He said, more to himself than to the other people in the vicinity. He tore his eyes away from Ginny and they instantly lay upon Sharon. Like his son before him he raised his nose into the air catching the scent of her blood. "Ahhh, so sweet." He hissed dreamily allowing himself to be intoxicated. "I was always a sucker for that bloodline…pardon the pun." He added his eyes dancing at his own joke. Caeleb snarled in response and before they knew what was happening Caeleb had launched himself at his Father.
They stood close together watching the battle below them. The fight was extraordinary and reminded Harry of a scene from a Superman movie, where the hero fought against a clone of himself. Both the vampires were strong and full of rage, each violently vicious. They clawed and ripped at each other throwing each other several feet in the air and against the stone statues. But it was the sounds they were making that made Harry's stomach churn. Bloodcurdling screams escaped each of their lips, both screaming obscenities at the other, threats of what they were going to do to each other.
Harry jumped out of his skin when someone tugged at his sleeve. It was Ron.
"Harry come on, look." His friend whispered excitedly. He was motioning towards the open door and Harry suddenly realised that this was their chance.
"Come on, all of you quickly." He kicked into life grabbing Hermione and Ginny's arm trying to direct them towards the door.
"What?" asked Hermione looking perplexed.
"C'mon Hermione whilst we have the chance." Hissed Ron, already halfway out the door.
"We can't." she hissed back looking back at the battle in the background.
"What are you talking about? He's forgotten we're even here now come on!" he hissed again venturing back onto the ledge to grab her arm. She shook her head and pulled free of his grasp.
"We can't leave him." She whispered violently.
"Are you crazy?"
"Of course we can. Two birds with one stone, Hermione. Hopefully they'll kill each other now let's get out of here."
Hermione ignored both Ron and Harry and to Harry's disbelief and dismay began climbing down the ladder.
"What's she doing?" cried Ron in horror.
"She's right, we can't leave him. Hugo will kill him." Added Ginny suddenly. She was already outside the chamber but before either one of them could stop her Ginny had pushed past the boys and began climbing down after Hermione.
"Ginny, what the hell…"
"Ron get Sharon out of here. Do it." Harry suddenly ordered sounding panicked. He was panicked.
"What, are you insane? They'll kill the lot of you, I'm not leaving."
"Ron someone needs to get help. I have to stay; I'm the only one who can control the door. If I need to I can shut them in."
Ron hovered by the door looking at Harry, clearly fighting the inner turmoil. Finally he nodded and practically picking Sharon up he disappeared out of the chamber.
Harry turned back to the battle and picked out both girls now on ground level clinging to each other. Both looked petrified and he could tell that maybe they were having second thoughts about their decision to stay behind.
He began down the ladder at top speed and was at their side in seconds. Both clung to him.
"What do we do?" called Hermione over the deafening booms, explosions of magic and body against rock as Father and Son continued their battle. Harry looked at her in disbelief.
"You mean you don't have a plan? This was your idea, Hermione." He cried back and Hermione looked suddenly extremely worried.
Ginny squealed as a body crashed to the ground near them and Harry immediately pulled the girls back out of the way.
The fight was getting nasty. Caeleb had a gash across his arm and left cheek whilst Hugo's shoulder hung crooked and dislocated, blood pouring from the wound that had nearly severed the ligament. But any fool could see that Father was outfighting the son. Despite the magic he commanded Caeleb couldn't seem to get the upper hand on Hugo and Harry knew that the battle would soon be over. And then what? What were they supposed to do then?
Hugo sent Caeleb flying through the air smashing into one of the giant statues lining the walls of the chamber. The force behind him was so strong the head of the statue broke off with him crashing to the ground with a splash and a thud as it landed in the shallow water. Caeleb groaned and snarled barely able to move. His Father was upon him in seconds sneering down at his dishevelled, beaten son with disgust.
"It's her blood that makes you so weak, boy." He snarled. "Even Krynd Sh'a could not drive the plague of humanity from you. You're a disgrace to our kind." He hissed again as though the words left a nasty taste in his mouth.
"And yet her blood still lives." Caeleb managed to reply, his voice broken and weak.
"Not for long, boy. The Coven is dying. All that's left is this child. And once I kill your darling sisters, it will all be over." Hugo announced pompously.
Beside him Harry could feel Hermione shaking with anger. Hugo had bent down and picked up the head of the statue holding it high above his head.
"Say goodbye." Commanded the master vampire with an insane grin of triumph.
"Ginny no!" Hermione suddenly cried out in alarm. Harry hadn't even noticed the girl had moved. Hugo snapped around in surprise at the interruption just in time for the blades in Ginny's hand to pierce his chest to the hilt.
He stared down at the girl that seemed so tiny next to him and his eyes widened in surprise. He laughed for a moment and then his face fell. The statue head fell from his hands hitting the floor and shattering into a thousand pieces of rubble.
Ginny's hands remained locked on the dagger's handle. She twisted it viciously and Hugo cried out, the sound wet and gurgling. Blood was bubbling and trickling from his lips, the look in his eyes full of wonder and fascination for the girl before him.
"Interesting." He said again, looking right into Ginny's eyes.
Harry and Hermione were transfixed, frozen on the spot; each too scared or shocked to move. Slowly Hugo dropped to his knees and finally Ginny let go of the dagger. She took a step back, but only a step and watched as the multiple blades writhed and twisted in his chest sucking the life out of him, absorbing his immortality.
Harry and Hermione found their feet again and as Hugo Dracus slumped to the floor they both rushed to Ginny's side. She was staring down at the unmoving vampire's body the look in her eyes a mixture of fury and horror. A tiny murmur was escaping her lips and Harry instantly recognised the shock she was in.
"What…what…did I do?" she whispered. Harry didn't know how to reply. He just shook his head and pulled her into a hug. She wrapped her arms around his waist and clung to him, pressing her cheek against his chest.
Hermione stooped on one knee and began to pull the dagger from Hugo's chest.
"No!" Caeleb suddenly cried and Hermione stopped dead looking up at him. He crawled over to her and pushed her hand from the dagger. She looked at him questioningly for a moment and then suddenly gasped. Harry and Ginny looked down to see what was wrong and discovered that Caeleb had grabbed her and had pulled her away from his Father's body.
"Hey!" cried Harry automatically going to Hermione's aid.
"No, Harry, look." Cried Ginny and Harry turned to look at what she was pointing at. What Harry initially thought was steam was rising from Hugo's body. A second later and he could tell it was white smoke, not steam and Ginny jumped back from the body with a yelp when it suddenly caught alight.
Flames licked where the dagger had entered his body quickly spreading and engulfing him burning almost white hot. The watched in silence as the vampire's body was reduced to nothing more than ash.
The dagger crashed to the ground amongst the pile of dust sending a metallic echo around the chamber. She stopped to pick it up cautiously and exclaimed in surprise.
"What is it?" asked Hermione. Ginny turned the dagger in her hands feeling it all over. She walked over to Hermione and handed it to her and Hermione's eyes widened in surprise.
"What?" asked Harry and Hermione looked up at him.
"It's cold." She said. Harry moved over to her and reached out to touch the metal. They both gasped as the knife jerked in Hermione's hand and flew from her grasp away from Harry's fingers. Caeleb chuckled and staggered towards the dagger, he reached down to pick it up. He stood for several moments staring at the dagger with fascination, turning it over and studying it closely.
"Caeleb." Hermione spoke firmly taking a step towards him. He looked up and nodded gently. He walked towards her and placed the dagger in her outstretched palm. "Good boy." She said calmly.
Caeleb looked over Hermione's shoulder at Harry and Ginny. He looked around him as though searching for something. His eyes grew harsh and cold.
"Where is she?" he hissed the fury returning violently to his manner. He pushed Hermione over in anger causing her cry out in alarm. Caeleb marched ominously towards Harry and grabbed him roughly by the shoulders. "Where is she, boy?"
Harry's mouth fell open to reply but wasn't given a chance to.
"My brother took her out of here…to protect her. We were trying to keep her safe." Interrupted Ginny and Caeleb snarled as he turned to look at her.
None of them had a chance of stopping him. He threw Harry to the ground and moved closer to Ginny. He leaned close and spoke to her but Harry couldn't hear what he told her. And then he was gone, sweeping up and out of the chamber before either Harry or Hermione could even get back to their feet.
Ginny was staring after the vampire a look of confusion and terror on her face. She turned to look at Harry and Hermione.
"We have to get back upstairs…fast."
Ron dropped to the floor letting his brothers take Sharon from him.
"Geez, she's still bleeding!" exclaimed one of the blonde twins. Her sister was now awake and on her feet but Ron couldn't help but notice how pale she was.
"We couldn't get it to stop."
"If it doesn't stop soon she's going to be drained dry." Commented George and Fred tried his best to apply pressure to the wound but just succeeded in making the crimson fluid pump out faster. He removed his hands and leant back the frustration apparent on his face.
"What kind of knife was that anyway?" asked Ron, staring at the cut in disbelief. Sharon spluttered and bubbles of blood popped at her lips.
"Don't try to talk, Sharon." Fred ordered quickly. She grabbed his arm however and somehow managed to open her eyes. She spluttered again and her voice just about managed to say one word.
"Lake? What does that mean?" asked Ron, tying the sleeve from his shirt around her neck. He didn't even remember ripping it off, everything he was on autopilot. Some strange bravado had taken over and his fear and panic had taken a back seat.
Sharon's voice gurgled again and she pointed over the blonde girls' shoulder. They all turned to see what she was pointing to.
The two blonde girls screamed and backed off to hide behind Fred and George. But unlike the girls, Ron felt nothing but relief and hope. Looming up on them was an enormous black dog.
Last edited by Krysta; 01-26-2009 at 09:53 PM.