Character Name: Qaz Artio Windsong
Character Age/Year: 16 years old/6th year
Parents Home: A Muggle town in Minnesota, USA
Wand: Mahogany w/Unicorn Hair, 11 3/4
Physical Description: Long blond hair, blue eyes.
More About My Character (family background, friends, etc.):
Mom is a witch, Dad is a Muggle, two younger brothers.
Dad didn’t want anybody to know his daughter was a witch, so I changed my last name to Windsong. It’s the name a Navajo Shaman gave me because I whistle a lot.
Favorite Hogwarts Classes: Arithmancy, Astronomy and Ancient Runes
Favorite Muggle Classes: Music, Mathmatics and Science
Worst Hogwarts Class: Herbology
Worst Muggle Class: Geography (hey, that’s what maps are for!)
Qaz loves Muggle sports, American football is her favorite. She didn’t learn to fly until she came to Hogwarts. She was the Ravenclaw seeker for one term.
During summer vacations, she spends a couple weeks out at the lake with her brothers and the rest of her holiday time is spent on a Navajo Reservation.
Qaz plays the piano and flute, makes jewelry and likes to carve wood. She wants to be a wand maker.

Pet: Orange Tabby name HiJinx