About me.. Basic Info. Character Name: Lethe Werner Nickname/Alias: Lethe, Lei, Wern Character Age: 11 Year in School: 1st year. Although if it changes I'll just update it in my info right below my avatar right there. <-------. Wand: 11 1/2 inches=dragon heartstring; phoenix feather Patronus: Rabbit Pet: Snowy owl Physical Description: Tall and slim physique; pale-skinned, vibrant red hair (dyed w/ green streaks), dark brown eyes
Physical appearance: Look at my avatar and signature. Got the idea? More About My Character (family background, friends, etc.). Hair: Red (dyed with green streaks) Complexion: Fair / Pale Eyes: Dark Brown Height: 5"5'. Build: Slim Appearance: Lethe is a girl tall for her age, taller than most of her comrades. Has a fair complexion, or a pale one, perhaps. A messy haircut, dyed with green bits. Personality: A music, art, and nature enthusiast. A unique person among the others. Lethe likes working on her own, as she believes that she gets better and faster results for doing so. As Lethe has a very introverted character, she has a few number of friends, and she chooses them according to her own standards. Many mentions her as really silent, yet quite clever. Although Lethe is often seen alone, some of her close friends know her as a secret marauder-type. Family: Lethe's father is a pure-blood, whilst her mother is a muggle-born witch. She has a younger sister and an older brother. Lethe also lives an orderly yet good family that follows many principles.
__________________ "There are no bad guys; there are only people who have lost their minds." ~Laige.Keehl 
Last edited by TheLethalBandit; 05-24-2010 at 03:21 PM.
Reason: Just updating it.