Name: Karma Elaine Atkins
Age: 16
Year: Sixth
Blood: Pureblood
Wand: Ebony and phoenix feather, 13"
Physical Appearance:
Patronus: Phoenix
Background: Karma Atkins is from Germany. She transferred here her 5th year of school, and has loved this place ever since.
She was born in Hamburg and raised along the outskirts of the town. She attened magic school all of her life before moving to England.
She has two brothers - one younger, named Kameron. He, unfortunately, is a Squib. Her older brother is named Kristofer, and works in the Ministry of Magic in the Wizengamot. Kris is 20, Kam is 10.
Family: Mother, Emma Atkins - 46. Pureblood, born and raised in Germany. House equivalent to Hogwarts was Ravenclaw. Part Veela.
Father, Liam Atkins - 48. Pureblood, born in Britain and worked in the Department of Mysteries before moving to Germany. House equivalent to Hogwarts was Slytherin. Naturally good looking.
Brother, Kristofer Atkins. Frequent Quidditch player and MoM worker. Full of himself with good reason - very attractive to the ladies. Has Veela blood since mother is part Veela.
Brother, Kameron Atkins. Squib, proud to be one. Very mature for his age, still annoying, but is attached to Karma's hip when she is home.
Other information: As stated above, Karma's mother is part Veela. Karma's stunning looks come from her mother and even though she knows she is pretty, she tries not to act as conceited as the blood line makes her be. Her powers of a Veela are developing, and she is trying to keep them under control.