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Old 01-24-2009, 01:50 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Moaning_Myrtle View Post
Myrtle had been a good girl, curled up quietly in the cauldron while the professorman carried her to the Headmaster.

And then he had to go and SHAKE her bloody pot, for Merlin's sake!

"Ow ouch owwwwie," Myrtle moaned, imagining how it must have hurt to bounce against the sides of cauldron were she able to actually feel things. "I'm a sensitive ghostie, you know!" she squeaked, deciding that she'd had enough of the cauldron.
Kapoor immediately winced a bit when he heard Myrtle's voice. She may not have had nerves, but she definately seemed to have feelings. "Sorry about that, my dear."

Originally Posted by Biochemkris View Post
"Oh... um... what's this?" he asked, peering into the cauldron, having to push his glasses back up his nose as he bent over. "And what do you mean about what happened at the feast? I thought it was pretty good."

Kapoor put the cauldron back down when Myrtle took the initiative to project herself out of it's dark cast iron body. "And I couldn't agree with you more, Headmaster. The roast beef alone...!" He trailed off happily at the thought of it's deliciousness, before remembering what he was on about. "It's just...the ghosts. Apparently, there are more of them then we might've guessed." He wasn't entirely sure exactly what he expected Bontecou to do about it, but if nothing else, as headmaster, he probably should've been notified.
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