Rian smiled as she walked into the owlery. She called down a school owl, feeling weird. It was weird not to be using her own owl, but she was at home. Rian frowned and reread her letter.
Aunt Jessi,
What's up? How's life at home? I hope everything's doing well, and that everything stays that way.
Well, I'm at Hogwarts again, hence the school's owl. It's great to be back, though I do miss you and Lily terribly. (don't tell mum and dad I didn't mention they're names...because, honestly, it's good to get away from them for a while.)
I've already met a few new people, all of which I'm hoping to become good friends with. Jenn's still the same as ever; hyper, happy, and cheerful. Everyone else is good too. Oh, did I tell you? Rachel's a prefect! I'm so proud!
Classes haven't started yet, but Ravenclaw's already behind on points. I don't know how that happens, but I'm sure we can get back into first place.
Um...That's about it. I hope all's well with you and everyone at home. Give my love to mum and dad, and make sure you tell Lily 'Ina says she loves you the most'.
Love you, Jessi
♥ Siren
Rian smiled and tied the letter to the barn owl, then told it
''Jessica Miller." She watched it fly off through the window, and she left the owlery.