Thread: Torture Chamber
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Old 01-23-2009, 09:41 PM   #108 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Slytherin Fox View Post
"I would be glad to do that," Antonio said, certain that Sakura wouldn't let him run off on some crazy mission on his own. He knew that the two of them did care for another, which was good. At least Jack had somebody to look out for him, and that was a start.
Jack smiled "Thanks"

Originally Posted by liammoiser View Post
John saw Jack falling asleep and smiled it seemed like he had started to come around at last and realised that it wasn't the Professor fault. He was glad that he had found that out as now he was going to try and help them sort everything out. He wanted to leave but unfortunatly he realised that they might have to wait a while. He also wanted to sleep but he had to stay awake to make sure nothing happened to Jack.

He was trying so hard not to sleep but his eyes just kept closing and as soon as he opened his eyes they were shut again after the tenth time of trying, John stopped trying and fell asleep, he knew when he woke up he would wondered what had happened and why he went to sleep when he should have been looking after Jack.
Jack's eyes were closed but he was mulling over his thoughts, opening his eyes momentarily, he saw John asleep, Jack smiled, at least John was happy enough, Jack hadn't slept for while, he needed sleep, falling asleep next to the grimy bath he sighed almost contentedly.
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