James is my REAL name | Pokah Face | Scheming Marauder | True Marauder | Foster the People Character Name: James Harvey Carter Character Age: 16 Character Year: 6th Blood-Status: Half-blood: Mother muggle, Father Pure-blood Wand: Sakura and ash handle, Dragon Heart-string, 12.5 inches Appearance: James is about 6' 2" (1.88m). He's well built, with dark brown hair and dark green eyes. His hair is gelled in a spiky mess; it's pretty spasmodic. Personality: James is very ingenuous and selfless. He'll put his friends' lives in front of his. He is sort of a "bookworm" from a stereotypical perspective. He loves reading and music. On his off hours, he spends his time studying by the lake, or things as such.