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"Oh you could try hun" Kayla said giving Amanda a wink. "I didn't say I couldn't play just that I don't want to. But believe that you would be rather brutal with a bat. I feel sorry for the chasers on the opposing team."
Kayla nodded her head vigorously. "No you definitely wouldn't and I also found out that a couple of first years have gotten detention as well" she growled softly. "They might be better off staying in there because when I get my hands on them..." she trailed off leaving the rest unsaid but she was sure Amanda got the picture.
"Nice to meet you Sakura" Kayla replied giving the girl a smile before cocking her head to the side. "In a few hours? Are you unwell or just missing home?"
"Well, I would love to see you play sometime, what positions can you play?" Amanda asked curiously, that would be cool to see her play sometime, especially if she played as a Chaser. "Oh yes all the other teams are basically in trouble once I make the team." She said with a smirk.
"Wow..they get to suffer the wrath that is Kayla Winters, I definitely feel sorry for them, though it was their decision to land themselves in detention." She said, taking another sip from her goblet.