♫ ♥ Where are my garters?! / hyphens-are-cool / THE NORTH GATE ♥ ♫ Quote:
Originally Posted by Punk Rock Princess Evolette did not appreciate being stared at. Honestly. How hard was it to just mind your own business? But even as she thought that, she felt a stab of guilt, angry or not, these girls were only trying to help. Well, she guessed as much anyway.
"I'm perfectly peachy." she said, addressing everyone who had talked to her since she arrived at the table. "Boys suck." she added for good measure, nodding her head.
She was about to destroy the dread even more when someone sat beside her. Oh great. Lima. Just exactly what she needed. Letting out a deep breath, she turned to look at the girl, arching a dark eyebrow, "Yes Lima? Can I help you?" Helena laughed and nodded quickly. That's for sure, hon. She smiled and turned back to the girl down the table. It was just too weird for her taste. She would have to say something sooner or later. Quote:
Originally Posted by EquestrianGal88 Freya narrowed her pale eyes a bit, 'Hmmm...' "Well, at least you enjoyed your time together. That's always nice." She took another bite out of her sandwich, "You know..." Freya had to swallow in order to finish her sentence, "I think I'll be a real pain in the tush this year." She said as she glanced up towards the staff table and at a specific instructor. "I don't feel like being a goody-goody like last year." 'Yeaahhh...like last year, about that...' "How about you?" Helena laughed. I dunno, I wasn't too much of a goody-goody last year. She chuckled, recalling her encounters at first with Professor Carracio. And giggling in Charms class. Plus, I have time to wreck havoc. She grinned.
__________________ Welcome to the jungle.__________________________________Everything's going to change.
Last edited by LaFresita; 01-23-2009 at 01:17 AM.