♫ ♥ Where are my garters?! / hyphens-are-cool / THE NORTH GATE ♥ ♫ Quote:
Originally Posted by Punk Rock Princess Evolette McKenna stormed up to the Slytherin table with huff. Flicking her hair off of her shoulder, the fifth year glared at a piece of bread before picking it up, placing it on her plate and proceeding to stab it with a fork.
"Stupid." she mumbled, taking out all of her anger on the poor defenseless bread. "Male." She continued grunting words that really had nothing to do with the other. It felt like everything she had been holding inside was suddenly spilling out.
Nico was gone. Miles was always with Vannie. Hugo. Well, Hugo was best friends with Terry, and as much as she didn't want him to take sides before, it would totally crush her if he didn't take her side; and Terry. He might as well have just ripped her heart out and stomped on it. It probably would have hurt less.
Slumping a little, she dropped her head in her hand, staring at the bread that she had just destroyed. Helena was momentarily distracted from what appeared to be a clone of her halfway down the table by a girl who had sat down beside her, apparently in distress. Ummm.... are you okay? Her blue eyes were kind, but curious. Yes, always curious.
__________________ Welcome to the jungle.__________________________________Everything's going to change. |