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Old 01-23-2009, 12:44 AM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by EquestrianGal88 View Post
"Helena." Freya said from across the hall and made her way over, taking a seat in front of the other girl. "You're here early, glad to know I'm not the only early bird in the castle after all." She stabbed a few pieces of meat and slices of bread and dropped them onto her plate. "How have things been? Have a nice summer?" Freya put a couple pieces of protein in between the bread and took a bite, thankful that she had a healthy appetite.
Helena smiled politely as Freya sat down across from her. I'm not usually a morning person, actually. She yawned and poured herself a glass of orange juice. My summer was great thanks, yours? It hasn't been too long since Diagon Alley has it? She smiled as she caught sight of two others making their way to the Slytherin Table....

Originally Posted by Mafia Leader B View Post
"I can just hardly imagine myself in that position!" Cam responded. It sounded like so much fun, but she'd always been the small girl. She'd learned to play seeker because she was the right size. She was just shy of five and a half feet. Of course she could be as tall as her mother--she wasn't a midget by any means...but the captain would probably laugh in her face when Cam said she wanted to be beater.

"I guess it would be a shock to the other team...being knocked off their broom by someone half their size." She mused, then laughed. Cam poured some gravy over her potatoes, then pulled out her messy bun, and put it back in, this time managing to get all the loose curls off her neck. "It's a deal then? Tomorrow, you and I go out to the grounds, and you teach me how to play beater? Then we can kick butt at those tryouts!" Cam moved a bite of potatoes to her mouth and reminisced for a moment.

"Ya team back in Biloix we use to get really into the were always pranking the other teams and such...I think once the team gets formed we should do something to the other paint their locker rooms green or something." She suggested in a whisper. "I mean, who cares if we lose points? We'll make up for it in matches! Something like that would totally boost Slytherin spirit!"
Helena swallowed slightly and accidently poured her juice well past the brim of the cup. She quickly shook herself back and mopped it up with her napkin and quite a few others, but her blue eyes remained on the girl who had just walked in. A girl who looked exactly Helena's height with the same curly dark brown hair and the eyes just a shade apart from her own color....
Welcome to the jungle.__________________________________Everything's going to change.
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