And she was running again, but this time it was different...she'd gotten a reply from Rapunzel, which was amazingly joyous for Kaika.
Taking out her peacock quill one more time, she started to write a response for Punzie's letter.
My dearest and Quidditch player Punz!
WHAT?! Are you freaking kidding me?! That's....that's just AWESOME! Oh, my snidget! Congratulations! Congratulations! I cannot believe it....well, I can believe it, for you were always such a great player, but...oh, you know what I mean...
Best of luck to the Chudley Cannons, then...though, they probably won't be needing it, for they got two of the most valuable players they could ever get. Just watch it! The Wasps will win against the Cannons. *imagine me sticking my tongue out*.
Oh, don't worry about it....better late than never...right? But I'm soooooo happy for you! I will miss you, though, but it's not like we won't be seeing each other again. I'm going to tell my father to pull some strings here and there to let me watch you guys practice.
I don't know what she was thinking! However, let me tell you I've been watching a bit of Dominic's action this couple of days...and I do think he's well-suited for Prefect. Yes, I know, incredible. But he seems to be good at Prefecting or whatever it is he does. And you're totally right, he was the Potions Professor, but he'll do his job thinks.
AAAAAAHHH! Yes! Sorry about that...I'll tell her to be extra nice this time. *snickers*
We'll be in touch...I know that...and you already know I wish you the best, and well, you could be my favorite Quidditch player if you weren't in the Cannons, but you're my second favorite *grins*
Hugs and kisses (again),
PS. Hopefully we won't need the Cannons in our Pitch, you know
PS 2. Please say 'Hi' and 'Congratulations' to Ryan too
PS 3. Eek! I'm soooooo sorry I can't tell you that...Yes, Kovac
is the new Ravenclaw Captain...soooooorry
PS 4. Yay! Hogsmeade. And don't worry, we'll try make you proud.
PS 5. Sorry to hear about what happened to Archimedes.
Snowy will be nice this time
Snowy was more than willing to take the letter this time, maybe the owl resembled the rebellious side of her master,
"Hey, be a good owl this time...Rapunzel is a very nice girl" more than nice, actually,
"and DO NOT mess with her owl...I'm not kidding" she said, holding up her index finger.
"Fly safe!" she exclaimed, after seeing her owl vanishing through the cloudy sky.
Now...up to find Miranda.