Character Name: Rachel D. Rider
Character Age: 14 going on 15 in the middle of the year (5th of April)
Year in School: Fourth
Wand: Mahogany, dragon heartstring, 11 ¼ inches
Pets: In Hogwarts with her - An snowy owl called Sky
At home - A dog and cat called Russ (Sirius) and Cloudy respectively.
Physical Description:
Height: 1m 70
More About My Character:
Personality: Rachel has changed quite a bit from the shy, scared first year she used to be. She's much more confident and allows herself to do stupid things for the fun of it without thinking about it too much. She is a very broad minded person and does not tolerate stereotypes, even thought she sometimes does it herself. As a typical Ravenclaw, she tends to over analyze unimportant things in her head; but when it comes to important things she regularly blurts out what she thinks are stupid comments/answers. She's very talkative as opposed to what she used to be, and has many great friends that would be able to live without.
Background: Rachel's history is not an easy one, and she spent almost the whole of last year crying because of it. Back when Rachel's biological mother was pregnant with her, the family found out that her brother (Rachel's uncle) was a wizard (he was always weird - did bizarre things). Rachel's grandparents were so shocked and disappointed that they abandoned him with a limited amount of money and kicked him out of the house. He has never talked to them since. A few years after Rachel was born, she started behaving oddly too and when she got her letter her parents feared what her grandparents would say and just lied and told them that she was going off to an accelerated school. No one had ever told her about her uncle (she didn't even know she had one) and she found out only during her third year that she wasn't the only magical person in her family. Her uncle Jake had contacted her and after a few complications, they met and he told her everything.
She was really angry with her parents after the secret was revealed and following a lot of crying, misery and debates with herself; she decided to move in with Jake (this was her idea, not Jake's) and emancipate herself from her parents for good. She still misses them sometimes; but not nearly enough for her to go back.
(If you want Jake's side of the story, go
here, or go read the Department Head's thread, the more detailed version is there)