Sardines ♥ // Nomsy, yo
Rian laughed and nodded to Liz. "I know, it should be way fun. Copernicus' name should be sort of easy...I mean, it's long, with lots of syllables." she laughed. "I think I'll call Plymouth 'Mouth' though," she said with a shrug. "unless we think of something better."
Then she sighed dramatically. "It's a shame that he doesn't want to be called Plym." she said, a grin threatening to come on her face. "Although, I might just call him that anyway, just to irritate him," now she was grinning mischeiviously.
Hearing Livvy, Rian laughed. "Mouth is Plymouth," she said with a smile. "Copernicus said it fit...considering Plymouth talks alot..."
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