Trey walked up to the opened door of what appeared to be Professor Truebridge's office. He read the note in his hand once more to himself, Trey,
Please stop and see me in my office. There are some things I wish to speak with you about.
Professor Truebridge
He had no idea what Truebridge could want with him. This can't be about the drink I still owe him, Trey thought to himself. Rather then mull the situation, Trey bucked up, and knocked on the doorway, peeping around the the room from the opening, hoping to catch a glimpse of the professor. No sounds of movement were heard, besides what seemed to be something snoring in the far corner. But there was no way that Truebridge was stuffed in that basket. Or was he? Trey laughed as he pictured Truebridge stuffing himself into the basket and falling asleep. He came too, and shook his head vigorously to remove the hilarious image.
He then knocked again, "Professor Truebridge sir? It's Trey, you asked to see me." Hmmm, where was the professor?