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Rather then blushing Amy gave Jake a heartwarming look before beginning to bit on her lower lip. Yet, as he started to laugh a warm smile appeared on her face. She nodded in agreement when he said they was rubbing off on each other.
“Umm maybe we should wait though until after classes start,” she responded after breaking from her laugher. “I had only been there once, but not really gone into the village. Heck I have no clue what all there is to do there…but I am sure we could find something to pass some time.”
Jake couldnt help but return her smile. "there is the Amy I know and love" he said chuckling "if it was up to me" he said pointing to himself " the bad slytherin boy, we would leave right now" he thought for a second "but then again I never been, I might just get you lost." he gave a a goofy grin "Im sure we'll find something to do, I mean dont we always" he told her matter of factly "Im sure we'll find something to do with our time"