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Old 01-21-2009, 03:14 AM   #578 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
NeeNee Omniscient Omnipotent Pie Maker

Originally Posted by Krel Ansell View Post

Valentine, in the mean time, seemed to be avoiding eye contact with her and Sho was staring at the enchanted ceiling as if trying to render what tomorrow's weather would be like. Aggie shrugged off the slights as she spotted the gravy in front of Cale Thornton, Ravenclaw Prefect. “Say Thornton,” she asked leaning into Tobi to get the boy’s attention (he was currently stuffing his maw with what appeared to be potatoes). “Care to share the gravy?”
Tobi tensed up.

You're in the bubble, you're in the bubble YOU'RE IN MY BUBBLE WOMAN!!! his mind screamed. You smell like peaches and you. Are. In. My. Bubble!

Originally Posted by blonder_than_u View Post
Aura tooka a bite of her mashed potatoes and swallowed quickly before answering, Thats good... she knew people would misundertand her motives for talking to anyone and everyone. They would probably think that Miss Invisible was trying to get into a relationship...when infact Miss Invisible was just trying her best to become uninvisible. I hope that Alana has a good year hear next year, she thought of her little cousin's first year at Hogwarts and sighed, she had no one to help her no friends to help her along....
Tobi felt sorry for Aura, a bit. She was kind of a mouse. A bit like Evelyn in that right, quiet and sensitive type. She didn't seem to have many friends, but she seemed to be trying really hard. Maybe she needed girl-friends to talk to. He'd never really seen her with friends, he'd never really seen her at all outside of meal time and classes.

"Aura, do you know Aggie and Valentine?" croaked, motioning to the girls on his left; Aggie was still leaning across him and his voice seemed not to be working quite properly. Aura already seemed to know Cale and Sho. He vaguely wondered where Eddy and Tino were.

Originally Posted by Hawken Terrell View Post
"Get your own gravy DeWitt," he said pulling the boat closer to him. Cale was planning on another round of tatters and beef swimming in gravy. "I'm consuming this one." He paused then quickly added. "All of it." As if to prove his point he pored more gravy onto his plate.

Cale was shoveling a forkful of gravy with a side of potatoes into his mouth as Aggie leaned into Tobi. The two looked rather nice together and Cale was about to say something when he remembered his promise to shut his pie hole upon receiving the pie.

"Shhh!" Cale shook his fork at her. "Keep your voice down! What do you want to do? Broadcast it to the hole school?" Cale's outburst both confirmed and yet didn't confirm anything to Aggie's question depending upon how you looked at it.
Trust Cale to break the tension. A laugh rumbled from Tobi's chest and he couldn't help but rib his best mate a little, after all, Cale had been on his case most of the evening. "So THAT's what happened! Finally, nature bites Cale Thornton! TOLD you your plants are dangerous!"

Last edited by druidflower; 01-21-2009 at 03:23 AM.
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