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Old 01-21-2009, 01:37 AM   #604 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by liammoiser View Post
"Nice to meet you Ossia." Replied John he was shocked that she hadn't just walked away from him when he started to talk. John knew that he had been a bit eager in talking to him but luckery this girl had decided to stay and talk to him. He was thrilled it was the first person since Sakura who had actualy talked to him. He wondered what to say but before he could say anything Ossia had started talking again.

When she said about his family John wondered how much he should say to her. He had lost his brother Liam who was named after his dad when he was six and just before the start of the term another family incident had taken place in which Jose had gone and left one note with a few words on. he couldn't believe what it said It was something about a Proffesor Dumonts and something about going to live with some muggles. He decided that she didn't need to know any of that so in the end he just said "I Know, but hopefully it will come right in the end."

He then heard her say about have him and his brother been sorted into different houses. He decided to be truethfull. "No he hasn't though he doesn't spend much time at this table, he's seeing this slytherin girl and I hope she knows" He stopped and quickly covered up what he would have let slip. "I hope she knows how much, he loved her." He smiled before asking her. "Now tell me about yourself. Please?" He hoped that she would.
Ossia couldn’t stop the flicker of curiousity at the reference to an eleven year old in love. Still, she supposed stranger things had happened.
“About me?” She quickly masked her look of honest surprise. “There’s not much to say really. I’m the older child in my family. I’ve got a younger sister, but she won’t be coming for another two or three years. She wants to be a Gryff.” Ossia shrugged. “I’m not really sure what you’re asking,” she informed him frankly.

We won't find defeat tonight. One shot, one shot no we can't miss.
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