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"Well, then you will have 6 more years in order to use your organization skills!" she said with a laugh. "Well, I'm used to taking on big jobs, we'll get through this!" she said brightly. She laughed with him, while also taking a piece of pie. "So, where do you think this food came from?" she asked, poking the pie before her with a fork.
"Hmm, I'm not sure," James said, now staring at his food in wonder. He cautiously picked up his fork and poked the food, quickly pulling his fork back, afraid of what might happen. But nothing happened. He frowned and took a bite out of some pumpkin pie, chewing it slowly and thoughtfully. Pumpkin pie was his favorite food, other than cheese of course, so he was pretty much an expert in judging pumpkin pie. He swallowed, put his fork down, and rested his chin on his hand thoughtfully.
"Well, I don't know where it's from, but it's really good! I'm pretty sure it's safe to eat. Unless, someone bewitched it to taste really good, so that people wouldn't be able to resist! And then we'll be stuck here forever, because we can't stop eating the food. And then we'll die from too much food!" James said, his eyes getting bigger and bigger as he became more and more excited.
"But, seriously, it didn't say in Hogwarts, A History and my dad's never told me, so I've no idea where it's from."