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Old 01-20-2009, 06:41 PM   #445 (permalink)
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Default Lowlow and Paintbrush
Stuck inside with Sirius | *Splish-Splash* | bamBAM | ☁ Spooktacular ☁

Nia had managed to end up just trying to take in all the commotion. In fact, so much was going on, she gave up trying to follow what had happened since the new headmaster's speech, and instead hungrily ate her bangers and mash. It was one of her favourite meals afterall.

After both second and third helpings, Nia could've sworn she felt something brush past her leg. Bending to look under the table, a frown on her face at the fact something had interupted her meal, she was intrigued to see it was in fact a young boy. The very one that had a fork up his nose earlier. She could even see those pants. Rolling her eyes, she gave a cough. "Excuse me, but what exactly are you doing under here, interuptting my bangers and mash? Wouldn't you be more comfortable walking?"

Originally Posted by Paintbrush
"Yep, I sure am," Natka replied with a smile. She helped herself to some potatoes and chicken.

"So... how was your summer? Did you go anywhere? By the way, if you don't mind me asking, that is - are you pureblood, half half or muggleborn?" Natka inquired.

"I'm half-half myself, my Mum's a witch. She's a healer at St. Mungos... my Dad isn't really a fan of magic, though," she added with a half smile.

She looked around the hall, and couldn't stop the excitement at the new school year from bubbling inside her. She'd missed the castle, the lessons, the teachers, the ghosts... everything about the magic at Hogwarts, really.
Returning her head to above the table, and straightening out her hair, Nia watched Natka pile food onto her plate. "It was pretty good thanks. I got to practice a fair bit of quidditch with my Dad. And then my new baby brother had the audacity to be sick on me a couple of times." She rolled her eyes for emphasis, though she would admit he was quite cute when he wasnt crying. Ah, the lovely sleep she'd get here without dear Nathaniel and their parents having to keep getting up. "I also managed to fit in my daily annoyance of my twin brother." She chuckled, shame Theo had stopped relying on Buzz now. Took away half the the fun. Her eyes twinkled mischeivously.

"Ah, not at all. I'm a half half too." She smiled, "My Mum was Muggle born, and my Dad is a pureblood. Both work in the Ministry and the Department of Games and Sports." She took a sip of her pumpkin juice. "Dad used to be a professional quidditch player. I want to follow in his footsteps." She grinned at the thought of tryouts coming back soon. They had a championship to defend, even if it was under a new captain. She glanced along the table to see if she could work out who it was.

Last edited by hermygirl; 01-20-2009 at 06:53 PM.
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