Nikki, Stacey, Anna *gulomp* After catching up with everyone at the Hufflepuff table, Curt trudge over to the Gryffie’s to catch up with some of his friends over there. Maybe Dusty had found his seat already? As he made his approach, the first people to come to sight were Agie, Anna, and Lyra; the latter of the two going on about cranking something up. He shook his head and laughed, approaching the group.
“Crank it up? That’s what I do best.” Especially in Quidditch…. Curt smiled at the thought, he couldn’t wait to get back on the pitch. Turning to Lyra, Curt gave her a small side grin, “So Lyra, how does it feel to be back?” He said with a small, yet amused frown, as his eyes fell upon that Agie Brandywine and a younger student who she was probably terrorizing.
__________________ Stalkee loves Stalker most, ALWAYS. Never forget <3 Pardnuhs for life! <333 G-FISH GANGSTAS HOLLAAA!! |