Cam continued to sit on her bench, staring through a haze of boredom across the room. That was when she heard the terse voice of the Bloody Baron. Eesh, what a beast. Did he have to snap at everyone that way? If he hated everyone so much then why not just cross over when you die? And why was he covered in that silvery stuff? Cambri was just glad that she wasn't sitting by him. That ghost was just creepy. Sure that Gryffindor ghost with the neck problem was kind of creepy, but at least he didn't seem to be evil.
Her chin continued to rest in her hand, fingers drumming absently against her cheek. That was when the ghost left. Well good, it's about time! She thought, watching as he drifted towards the staff table. She pitied the poor staff that now had to deal with that surly being. For a moment Cam merely chewed on the inside of her cheek, then she gave up. Forget this. She'd go find someone she knew. Maybe if she went to another table she could avoid that creepy Baron ghost.
__________________ “Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect and I don't live to be.
But, before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean.” Marti Adele Carter Werewolf Support Services - Cambri Mikaila Hale 14 Slytherin |