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Gabe walked into the Great Hall amazed at what he saw. His parents had described it to him, but it was nothing compared to seeing it in person. Of course he was probably a sight considering he had Ivory perched on one shoulder and Ebony on the other. He couldn't find the girl from the bookstore to return him, plus the owl seemed way too attached to want to leave him. So, he found an empty seat at the Hufflepuff table and sat down quietly scanning the room occasionally.
"Hey! Wait!" Adrianna called as she saw the boy walking along the table. She slowed her pace as the boy sat down. Suddenly, Ebony turned his coal head and launched off of Gabe's shoulder to fly toward his mistress. ADrianna's arms were wide open and she caught the owl, wrapping her arms around him delicately. "You silly owl!" she muttered, stroking his feathers as he cooed softly.