Originally Posted by *JoshMoonson* he raised an eye brow at her when she said it was the point." Why didnt you just say that. Dont go little twist and turns with all your metaphors to say something simple. Its exhausting." he told her as she should just say it. he was different. it was cool with him. he snickered as she told him she was bored without him." I would think so. its cause im the la cream of the crop." he paused for a second as he thought about it."er...or whatever that saying was." he looked at her as she confessed her soul was dying." You werent going to die. Your fine. If you could be social...that would help too." He was giving it a max of three seconds before she shot that one down."you know i wouldnt let your soul die." "Oh I know. All that brain power must be exhausting. ," Jayne said sarcastically. She raised a brow at his own saying then shook her head to herself. Interesting way of putting it. Glancing around at the table she poured herself some of the pumpkin juice that was set out and took a sip. "No. Overly social people are just pugnacious and need help. It's more than possible to make friends and be perfectly content without it. Happy even." She said, with a suprising tone of ease and carelessness.
Last edited by Austin; 01-19-2009 at 10:16 PM.