Originally Posted by
Anna Banana
Anna swallowed nervously. She had no idea what this man was talking about, but supposedly she had some sort of job description now. What was it with everyone and jobs lately? First Cale, now this man. She didn't want a job! Not anytime soon at least. Maybe he was referring to her job description as a student. That had to be it. Anna felt sort of funny holding a conversation with this man while standing so far away from the staff table. No way was she going to head back up there and face that grandfather's great-grandfather again. He probably wouldn't dock anymore points. Instead, he just might hit her on the head with his blasted cane. Ugh.
"I, erm...I'm sorry, sir. I have to go. I promised Professor Pierce I'd escort this young man back to the Gryffindor table," she said, patting Chris on the back. "I'll, erm, see you around!" She turned to head off once again. "Welcome to Hogwarts!" she called out over her shoulder.
"Oh, well, I suppose you'd better listen to orders. I would like to converse with you further about being a teaching assistant in my classroom. I could really use help from a young whipper snapper like you. I'm sure you can help me communicate with the students. I don't understand all of this new slang." Ian was completely puzzled, mumbling, and making a fool of himself. He obviously had no idea what was going on.
"Oh, thank you!" he called after her. What a nice young woman. He would certainly appreciate having her help. He sometimes had a hard time relating with the younger crowd.
But it was no matter. All he was interested in at this point was the food. However, he turned to his fellow professors and said,
"My, my, what a pleasant young woman! Headmaster, you've outdone yourself in hiring such a wonderful teaching assistant!"