Originally Posted by
Tomasina Riddle Paris was seething. Why was that woman here, was she here to really lock her up in the Ministry? No she was sitting down! She looked over at Jake. "Why is she here!" She screamed at him whiling stamping her foot, forgetting how sensitive he was was sometime.
She took a few deep breathes. "Sorry for yelling at you love," She patted him on the shoulder.
Seeing that... that
bad insult... sitting at the table, Jake's jaw fell open. Then
he was being screamed at.
Jumping backwards, ready to start flapping his hands and actually going rigid, Jake at first flinched when Paris touched his shoudler, but then he relaxed and moved in a bit.
Note to self; Paris equals baaaaaaaad temper. "My guess is they're letting her out of prison to teach school kids how to assault infants..." It was the only explanation. Jake whispered the next line, to make certain that absolutely nobody else heard him.
"I got some... bad smelling dungb- err... materials, that I didn't get to use on the train... we could put them to good use i her handbag- I mean class..." Jake, you devil, you. Quote:
Originally Posted by
dingDong He heard a familiar voice and turned around to see Jake. Cam smiled and waved at him when he came near the Slytherin table. Boy this was obviously going to be a very fun year for the two. There were dozens and dozens of people that were sorted and he couldn't keep track so he still didn't know what house Jake got into. He was extremely curious with the "asking who else was in the house".
"Nooo. I reaally don't know what house you got in," he admitted. Jake was staring at the staff table too. "Watcha lookin' at?"
Turning back to Cameron, Jake actually flailed.
"I'm in Hufflepuff!" he fretted. Jake had no problem with being in this house, it was just... Denton. This would either be easier for that one trick he had planned, or difficult to live through the
socially inept Prefect's sarcasm and other torture.
Jake followed Cameron's gaze, though he didn't need to.
"A fake Prada wearing, student assaulting, witch."
Well... it was true.