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Apology accepted! Afterall, we're family now! No hard feelings! I'm Cadence, by the way. And this is Set she indicated the boy next to her Ana she gestured to the girl sitting across from her and I think you already know John. She smiled at Jake, and then looked down the table to where he had come from. Seeing disgusted looks on the faces of his friends before they hastily turned away, she frowned about and wondered why they were looking at them like that. She looked back at Jake, smiling once again. You're more than welcome to hang out with us any time! Just so you know!
"Ok, erm thanks," Jake stuttered.
"It's good to know I know some Hufflepuffs... my own age."
As he said his statement he looked up and saw Kayla. Oh yeah, she was in Hufflepuff and the other prefect was...
Giving a quick wave to Kayla and adding that last bit to his comment, Jake let a look of dread cross his face.
Where is Cameron?! Jake wasn't sure if the boy would be pleased or not. Looking around the room, Jake noticed his friend through their matching lack of great height, and realised he was in Slytherin.
Oh... maybe I should have paid attention earlier... "Gottago," he blurted out and bee-lined for his friend.