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Jake bit his bottom lip, a habit he needed to stop unless he wanted to cut his mouth or something.
"Hi," bite, bite "Yeah. Erm, so, I wanted to... you know-" Say sorry, I wanted to say sorry for my rude behaviour earlier. I was in a bad mood. That's not so hard to say. "I'm, like... sorry? Yeah, sorry, for... you know... shouting at you earlier."
His speech becoming clearer, Jake stopped shifting his purple trainers about and stood stock still. "It just seems that... someone's way of behaviour is rubbing of on me... It wasn't your fault... bad mood." Jake rubbed the back of his neck and twisted his face around again. Seriously, Upstead! What is with the stupid faces?!
"I'm Jacob... or Jake," he said, lamely.
Apology accepted! Afterall, we're family now! No hard feelings! I'm Cadence, by the way. And this is Set she indicated the boy next to her
Ana she gestured to the girl sitting across from her
and I think you already know John. She smiled at Jake, and then looked down the table to where he had come from. Seeing disgusted looks on the faces of his friends before they hastily turned away, she frowned a bit and wondered why they were looking at them like that. She looked back at Jake, smiling once again.
You're more than welcome to hang out with us any time! Just so you know!