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"Ah, I think you know quite well that my summer was very nice, seeing as how Fabian and I spent a great deal of ours with you and Janey, Ethan and the most adorable little boy I've seen since Ethan was born!" Macadrian laughed before asking, "How is Taylor doing? I can't believe he's already five months old! Where does the time go?" Though the thought of time passing her by normally evoked in her a sense of longing, at this point in time, she could be nothing but genuinely happy for Max. It didn't hurt that as soon as she'd seen that little boy, Macadrian fell in love and vowed from that moment to spoil him rotten.
Max chuckled at his cousin's reply. "It goes by too fast," he grinned and then his jaw dropped. He noticed the new staff members. "Who are these people?"