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Old 01-17-2009, 02:22 AM   #247 (permalink)
Formerly: Dances_With_Potter

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Originally Posted by liammoiser View Post
John looked at her and smiled once again, "I am sorry to have to decline your nice offer, but I realy must be off looking for someone, my twin brother Jack, I know it a big family and mainly it's all boys, has disapeared and who know what he could have done by now" He hoped she wouldn't be sad. "If I ever do need to talk, I'll keep in mind what you have said" He started to walk to the door. As he got to the door he smiled at her and said "I'll see you around, I can always remember a face once I have seen it." With that he was out of the door.
Okay! Bye! I hope he's okay! He's definitely going to be a Hufflepuff too. With that Cadence pulled a book out of her bag and curled up in the chair to began to read hoping that John would find his brother and that someone would be along to keep her company soon.
It's the way you're smiling at me. It's in the way you hold my hand.
It's the way I've watched you change me from a boy into a man.

It's a million things about you, and I don't know what it is. I have never known a love like this.
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