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Dances_With_Potter Cadence, bored with standing, began walking down the train again and spotted a Hufflepuff sitting in a compartment by himself. She knocked on the door and then opened it and walked in. Hello! I'm Cadence! I'm in Hufflepuff too! First year! Who are you?
"Fancy meeting you here Cadance!" Set said as he wlked in the compartment. "I see you beat me to meeting this fine young first year! What's his name? Hi, I'm Set, we [points to Cadence and himself] meet earlier today on the train. I'm sure we'll be good freinds. We're going around the train, hoping to make sort of a group thingee, a friends club of 1st year hufflepuffs. You want to join, we're really fun and stuff!!!!!" Set said as he sat dwon next to Cadence, looking at the new boy!!!! "Cadance, what ya been up to since I left?"