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Old 01-16-2009, 07:23 PM   #42 (permalink)
Slytherin Princess

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Tommy Black
First Year
♥ Slytherin Princess to the core ♥ / St. Trinian's Terror

Originally Posted by Zoerawrr View Post
"Ok, I'll call you Willie, I just didn't know your name is all," Jake explained. Then he shook his head to remind himself why he came in. "But yeah, Jack gets really reckless, and he doesn't apologise. I am in no doubt that you could definately stick up for yourself better than most students here-" you scare me enough "-so I'm not going to patronise you..."

What in the world was that pile of rotten garbage?! He was talking to a peer, not protesting for world peace.

"I'm just saying that Jack will challenge anyone," Jake shrugged, becoming a tad scared of the boy and his ear-biting powers. He scrambled around in his head trying to think of a way to change the subject.

"You know that boy, Dominic Denton-" No... Donnymick Dental... "-the Hufflepuff Prefect... you might have erm... got caught on his ear... by your teeth..." Jake nearly chuckled. "Anyway, we're getting him back later, for everything he's done to all the first years. Thought you might like to know..."

Jake looked up towards the girl again. "Well, as far as I know you can do some serious damage to your back, and that would be... like... painfull..." Jake explained, mentally facepalming. You total pillock.

"My name is Jacob Upstead, or Jake, it depends," Jake introduced. "People call me whatever they like."

But then... Hang on...

"Did you say you've been sitting like that for a long time? So you've been on this train since you were little?!" Jake went bugeyed. "Do people have to, like, move you about because you're stuck like that?!"

Well, I was right about it being bad for you...

Ruby heard a boy speaking and walked into that compartment she looked at him and said "hello do you mind if i sit here for a bit? my name is Ruby Sawyer" she extended her hand politely
I love the number of children i meet who are captivated by all of it,
all of whom think i am terrifying because i play Bellatrix!!!!

♥Tom's Treehouse♥
♥15th July 2011 The Final Chapter♥
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