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Old 01-16-2009, 06:34 PM   #27 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Leah Sawyer
First Year

Originally Posted by Lowlow View Post
Willie stopped dead on his feet. The laughter ceased as did all the yelling. Instead, he stood as still as a rock. Slowly, he turned his head, looking over his shoulder. Green eyes darkened dangerously. This was all happening as it would in a horror movie where the monster reveals its teeth.

Twitching, Willie suddenly threw his arms in the air. "Ye teathin' me ye little buggah?! I'll bite yer ear, if ye 're!" He practically yelled as he turned to face whoever teased him. Although, he froze once he saw that it had been none other than the boy who threatened to hit him.

Oh crap.

Where was Mister Hero when he needed him?!

Quickly, as if his feet had skates on them, Willie ran off, opened a compartment door and jumped right it. He didn't notice if anyone was in, but when he turned his green eyes widened and saw this girl inside, hugging her knees to her chest.

Her blue eyes widened and shifted to the door when she heard yelling outside her compartment. Leah shivered, and held her little gray kitten a bit tighter. The furry kritter squirmed, and attempted to get away, but only managed to stick it's head out beneath her arm. Leah continued to stroke the cat, and stared out onto the platform, eyes following her family as they left.

Don't cry Leah. Don't do it. You'll be ok. You'll see them at Christmas. She told herself sternly, and sniffled. When the door clattered open, then shut, she jumped and turned to see the little boy from the hallway. From a glance she could tell he was as uneasy about this whole thing as she was. Unwilling to offend the boy Leah smiled uneasily at him, and muttered, "hello," under her breath.

Sure, she wanted to know if this boy had followed a sibling onto the train, or if he was really going to attend Hogwarts...but that was rude...and she didn't want to make enemies before even arriving at school.
|| In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life. It. Goes. On. ||

|| Blake William Robinson-Department of Mysteries || Leah Savannah Sawyer-Ravenclaw, First Year ||
This signature was dug up in the
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