Originally Posted by
Turning around immediately, Cela got down on her hands and knees and began to hunt for her missing scarf.
Trey entered the Snack Cart hoping to fill his belly a bit. His stomach growled as he shut the door behind him, bumping into something on the ground. He looked down to see that that something was actually someone. And that someone was Celandine.
"Oh hey, sorry to bump ya like that. I take it you lost something?" he asked scouring the floor with his eyes squinted, even though he had no idea what he was looking for.
Originally Posted by
Tomasina Riddle Paris folded her arms across her chest when the girl turned around and eyed her up and down. She raised an eyebrow as the girl acted like Paris didn't even say a word. What a loony bin, Paris thought mentally rolling her eyes. "I do do I?" She said already tired of the girl.
"Miss Paris! How good it is to see you! What's on the menu tonight for one of my favorite Misfits?" He asked her with a little laugh and a wink.