Truth be told Cam was happy with her appearance. Sure she hated that breakout she always got right along her hairline. Her nose wasn't perfect...but she hadn't much a desire to change her hair color every day. She was happy with her long brown hair, even if it did get a bit frizzy on occasion. She lifted her hands to her hair, and combed it back off her face once her thoughts turned to it. pulled her hair over her shoulder, and began to work the mass into a braid, before tying it off with the rubber band around her wrist. "Well yes the answer is obvious. There's no need to go chasing girls through the halls when they'll come to you." She pointed out. Sure that meant she was one of those girls that just fell into his lap...but she didn't mind the slight insult. It was true enough. She'd asked to sit with him, and had been flirting shamelessly since he'd agreed. She wasn't too proud to accept that. "To think I'd been worried I'd be the only transfer in my year." Cam stated, and smiled over at Reed. Well at least she wasn't alone. Her fear had been that all new students would be eleven. But they weren't. She'd already met two others her age that hadn't been to Hogwarts before.
__________________ “Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect and I don't live to be.
But, before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean.” Marti Adele Carter Werewolf Support Services - Cambri Mikaila Hale 14 Slytherin |