Thread: The Middle Cars
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Old 01-18-2009, 03:46 AM   #194 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Oesed View Post

And so she continued to walk… Until she bumped into something.

Clumsy-ness did not come naturally to her. In fact, it was a very rare thing in the girl, but whenever she became distracted with something or someone, the coordination she possessed simply decide to leave her body. Like now, of course.

Looking down to see what had made her collide, one of Willow’s dark eyebrows jerked up as soon as she realized that she had not bumped into something, but into someone. And that it was a girl she’d never seen before.

Standing in the middle of the corridor is not a very smart thing to do—more like the opposite, to be honest. This train is full of compartments, so go and look for one before you cause yet another accident.

Those were the words she was aching to utter. But the badge on her chest was feeling oddly heavy as soon as the thought ran through her head. So instead of snapping that to the obviously younger girl, Willow forced the muscles on her face to curl into a very tight smile that even though was polite, did not reach her eyes. “You might want to watch where you are going next time. Be a little more careful.” Trust Willow to blame anyone but herself for her lack of coordination.

Giving the girl a curt nod after realizing that she’d reached the compartment, the not-so-tall brunette stepped around her in order to get a clear view of the packed little room.
Standing in the middle of the corridor looking for an empty compartment, Sara stumbled forward when someone bumped into her. Turning around she sees an older girl, who happened to be looking for something or someone. Looking at the badge on her chest, she noticed that she must be the captain of a Quidditch team at school. Knowing she might be someone important in the school, she mumbled an apology.

Although she did notice a little attitude coming from her. Sara didn't know why she was apologizing, she was the one who bumped into me. She was the one who wasn't watching where she was going.

She watched as the girl acknowledge the overexcited girl and her friend and then say something rather harsh to a girl standing in front of a compartment door. Yup, definitely an attitude problem.
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