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Even though Cela only really understood maybe every second word Seymour was saying- since she didn't really get the knight and squire thing- Celandine nodded emphatically and threw herself forward to wrap Seymour in a hug, "We won't let him down! We can make him proud; Billium Q. Jones was the best Prefect to ever walk the halls of Hogwarts, and you and I will make sure his name lives on!"
Okay so maybe Celandine was getting a tad carried away in the moment. She pulled away and gazed out the window with her chin jutting out bravely. Cela was done spilling tears. She turned and looked at Seymour, "Did I tell you my brother isn't coming back either?" Cela sighed.
Seymour nodded in what he hope she interpreted as a confident manner, beaming over her shoulder as she hugged him. "Agreed! Every student, new and old, to enter the bounderies of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry will know his name and legend!" They'd go over and above the expectations Will set -- fufill their respective duties, finish his unfinished work. This term was going to be EPIC.
His smile faltered slightly as she pulled away from the hug-- it could've continued for hours and he'd have been okay with it-- but quickly fixed his smile and tried to think of something else, looking down at his shoes. Today had certainly been surreal, if nothing else... surely none of this could actually be happening? He was undoubtably at home, still asleep, not even time to board the Hogwarts Express yet... and this was alllll a dream. Yeah. He looked up at Cela, shaking his head and trying to look sad for her. Wasn't her brother the bloke that kept threatening Will last term? No loss there. "I... I'm so sorry to hear that, Cela. I suppose if old doors close... new doors and new opportunities will appear?" Well, that was the best
he could do for an optimistic remark, anyway.