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As shana was walkng down the train to go and say hi to kevin.She sliped on somthing that was on the floor and fell.She Was hoping that nancy had noticed her slip so she wouldcome overand then they could sit together but nancy was no where to be seen.So she got all her belongings together and put them back in her bag.But the photo she had of her mom and her had slipped under the door of one of the compartments.Shana got up and carried on walkin on her way past she saw the cutiest yellow fluffy pygmy puff she had ever seen.Then by the girl that was sitting in the compartments foot was the picture of her mom and her!
She forgot that she was meant to be going to say hello to kevin and she slowly opened the compartment door.She smiled at the girl sitting inside.The girl looked very nice and she looked slighty older than Shana.In her quiet squeaky voice shana said Ermm Could I sit with you on the journey i havn't made many friends.
Kiri had barely started reading when the compartment door was slid open again. A little annoyed at the interruption (she'd barely finished two paragraphs), Kiri lowered her book and looked at the newcomer, who turned out to be a small girl with reddish hair and a lot of freckles, a bag in her hand. She was smiling, and Kiri put her book aside and straightened up. Her pygmy puff, suddenly dislodged from it's comfortable position on her stomach, squeaked in protest, but Kiri grabbed it before it could fall to the ground. The little creature was trembling indignantly, and Kiri stroked it with her thumb to calm it down.
"Umm sit with me? Sure", Kiri said with a nod, and pointed at the empty seats. "I'm Kiri." She stuffed her book into her bag as the girl sat down. "You don't have a problem with pygmy puffs, do you? I've met some people who don't like them."