Shipper Queen Hippie Quad
Sam jumped as Lexi shouted her name. Then the older Gryffindor was hugging her. Hugging her! She had definitely had her dose of candy today. "Glad to see you too Lex." she chuckled.
She couldn't help but laugh as Lex said first years were hyper as it was. That was true. They were always running around like their tails were on fire. "That never stopped you before though." A person could never be too hyper for Alexis she imagined. They should go find somebody to get hyper! "Oh! Idea! Want to go mess with the next innocent person you see?" Sam asked, a shifty look in her eyes. It would be entertaining to see somebody get extremely hyper. Hyper people were just entertaining. She should know.
Snorting, Sam replied, "You never know. I tend to get lost a lot." She smiled at her witty remark and eyed the chocolate frog in Alexis' hand. Hmm, maybe just getting Lex extremely hyper would be enough...Nah. The girl was always extremely hyper.
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