Originally Posted by
LadyNerd "Yes! Just like I pretended to move to the middle car of the train," Lyra snickered keeping up the game they were playing. It was fun being smart sometimes. "But your homework will be magically done by your owner of course because Banana is going to keep harping until it is turned in for Gryffindor points."
She loved Agie. Between the two of them, only one had to instigate while the other edged forward and made it happen. It was great how they worked as a team and were always into something.
Agie was about to be in tear from all their snickering. Her tummy was starting to hurt from laughing. "Well if Banana wants the points she can do the homework for me. All I'll have to do is cross out her name and add my own." She smiled evilly. "And, well, if the professors have a problem with that, I guess they can come and talk to me... If they can find me."
Agie now felt like skipping. There were having a lot of fun so why not skip? With a tug of Lyra's arm, she started to skip her way through to the next compartment. "I smell trouble. This means we are almost there." She sang.