Rupert = *swoon* "You know I'm right..." Evaline extended her hand to the two Auror's, for them to shake, just as Reagan had done. "Nice to meet you," she gestured back as well after Reagan finished introducing her.
She then decided to inform Reagan about her conference and so she spoke up. "Yes. We were going to, but I was hoping we could move this little to Level 2 if thats alright. There is a meeting going on right now, and I doubt these kind gentlemen want to wait for it to be free." she offered.
__________________ Against the grain should be a way of life ;Klaudette Genevra Oddkoule: Slytherin's oddball is back;  RGFC;Tigger lovers her Pickles;PICKLEPIE <33 THE WAL'R'US;TFFC ♥ Siggy by the totally SPANKERS Lissy! ♥ |