The Security Checksheet
1. Begin by inventorying the visitor badges to make sure that all are where they should be.
2. Reset and test the wand weigher to ensure it retains it's calibration.
3. Review the pass on log for any new information since your last shift.
4. Turn on the Visitor entrance security screen (instructions are on the desk)
5. Check to make sure your uniform robe is presentable (remember, red is reserved for Department heads, so don't weat red robes.)
6. review Attached Security Checklist and make assigned rounds
7. Remember, you are customer service. I will not stand for rude welcomes, regardless of the situation
8. At the end of the shift, clean the desk and make sure that everything is as it should be before you turn it over.
Edward J. Lennox
Division Head, Security
Attached Security Checklist
Level One - Make sure the door to the Minister's Suite is secured and no one without appropriate clearance has entered.
Level Two - respond to night alarms only, aurors get angry when you mess with their department. (Angry aurors lead to ugly things, don't test them)
Level Three - Ensure that no magical disasters have damaged the Ministry by leakage
Level Four - Ensure no magical creatures have escaped. (Take care as even the most non threatening creature may be able to kill you).
Level Five - Be prepared to assist foreign liason wizards who may have wandered
Level Six - Check doors and ensure no young apparaters are trying to cheat the examiners
Level Seven - Be on the look out for errant snitches and bludgers. Take care not to anger Mr. Newington, I have enough troubles with him without you lot making me have to see him more.)
Level Eight - Man the desk, watch for menacing visitors.
Level Nine - Avoid Level Nine if you don't wish to die an untimely death. This area is restricted and I don't want to stand before the minister explaining your being there.
Level Ten - Be prepared to assist in Court Security. Some of these Wizards are quite powerful and may underestimate your overestimation of your abilities.