Thread: Harry Potter: Apostollo - Sa16+
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Old 01-15-2009, 05:24 PM   #44 (permalink)
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Join Date: Apr 2007
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Angie Palimor
First Year

Hey everyone! Thanks for your replies...this chapter is a happy one, which I really enjoyed writing...I figured that I should put something happy in my story given what's me if you liked it.

Chapter 7

Harry was walking a big hall in the Ministry along with Hermione. He hadn't told her yet what Matthias told him, he just didn't know how. Plus he had to tell her that he was now charge of the Apostollo case. He opened his mouth to talk but Hermione beat him to it.
"You look really tired Harry", she said looking up from the papers she was holding.
"Yeah...Ginny and I didn't sleep at all last night" he replied and she laughed.
"You guys are unbelievable! All these things happening and still all you can think is how to grope each other as always!"
"What? No", he said shaking his head. "Ginny had a nightmare and it took me like forever to stop her from crying".
"Ginny...crying?" she asked in disbelief.
"Yeah, I know, but I think these later events really shook her. I'm kind of concerned actually".
"I know it's strange...Ron told me she got upset yesterday when they talked in the garden" she said and Harry shook his head deep in concern. Hermione suddenly burst into laughing out of nowhere.
"Why are you laughing?"
" just came back to me...remember when we watched the Titanic in my parent's house?" she said still laughing and Harry joined her.
"How could I forget?"
"Your wife must have been the only woman in the whole wide planet who didn't cry!"
"Instead she was outraged!"
"Yeah...because that stupid fake-redheaded couldn't move her butt just a smidge so that the fox would be saved as well!"
"Oh, you remember her words exactly!" he said.
"And Ron was trying to explain to her how romantic the movie was!" Hermione giggled.
"While he was crying his eyes out!" he said and they both roared with laughter.
"Okay, enough, my ribs hurt!" Hermione said after a while and she tried to suppress another outburst of laughter. "Still that makes it even harder to explain why Ginny is taking it so hard", she added and Harry became serious at once.
"I don't know...I mean yeah it's weird, but even before this whole Apostollo thing she was acting kind of strange", Harry said as he began walking again.
"Strange? What do you mean?"
"She just got irritated over nothing all the time".
"Well, that sounds like Ginny to me" Hermione said smiling. "You should know by now that the Weasleys have a nasty temper! She always gets irritated when Ron..."
"Yeah, Hermione, but she never did that with me! I mean I'm just realizing that something is wrong", Harry said and stopped walking again.
"Oh, come on Harry. I'm sure it's nothing. It's not like she's acted like that before".
"Oh, she did act like that before, but that was back when she was..." Harry started but cut his sentence as he finally recognized the signs. "Oh, my God!" he said and closed his eyes.
"What?" Hermione asked alarmed. Harry opened his eyes and smiled at her tiredly.

It was late in the afternoon and Molly and Arthur were at their daughter's home, learning the later events stunned.
"Mum, come on!" Ginny said indignantly as her mother sobbed on her shoulder.
"I can't believe they burned their house!" she said and Ginny felt her own eyes welling up as well...what the hell was wrong with her lately?
"Hey! I didn't realize you guys were here!" said Rose as she entered the kitchen.
"Yeah we haven't seen you at all since you arrived last week" her grandfather said hugging her, as Molly wiped her tears. Albus walked in too.
"I knew I heard voices from the kitchen!" he said smiling broadly as he hugged his grandmother.
"Oh, you've gotten tall Alby!" Molly said smiling. "Yet you're too thin! Ginevra Potter aren't you making sure that your kids eat properly?"
"Oh, mum don't start!" the woman said rolling her eyes.
"GINNY!GINNY!" Harry yelled as he opened the door. He dropped his coat and his bag on a chair and he run in the living room.
"We're in the kitchen" Ginny yelled as she stood up. Harry walked in with a big smile on his face.
"Hey everybody!" he said nodding at his parents-in-law.
"Dad, are you okay?" Albus asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine", he replied as Hermione entered the room too. "Ginny, can I talk to you?"
"Okay" she said and followed him upstairs, after she looked at Hermione for some explanation but she just smiled.
"So Ron isn't back from the shop yet?" Hermione said turning to face the others still in the room.
"No", Mr. Weasley replied. "What was that about?"
"Oh, you'll see!" said Hermione smiling.

"What's going on?" Ginny asked as she closed the door of their bedroom.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Harry asked without losing his smile.
"Tell you what?"
"Gin, I know!" he said widening his eyes.
"Know what?" she asked looking at him both confused and alarmed.
"You know what!" he said mockingly.
"Potter, either you tell me right now what you're talking about or I'm hexing you!" she said angrily.
"You mean you don't know?" Harry laughed.
"KNOW WHAT?" she yelled exasperated. He grabbed her from the waist and lifted her in the air. "Put me down you bloody lunatic!" she yelled as he was spinning her around.
"I'm so glad that I get to say it this time!" he said leaving her on the bed.
"Are you freaking mad?" she asked him.
"No", he smiled and bite his lower lip. " think I know why you're so emotional these days".
"Wait, what?"
"You're pregnant!" he announced and she looked at him stunned.
"Huh?" she responded. "No, I'm not".
"Yes, you are!"
"No, I'm not", she said standing up.
"Yes you are".
"No, I'm not!", she said outraged.
"Yes, you are!"
"No, I'm..."she began but stopped. How long was it since...? "Oh, my God, I am!" she said bringing her hands to her mouth and Harry nodded still smiling broadly. "Oh my God!" she repeated and fell back on the bed. "I don't understand...I was taking the pill!"
"Well, it seems like you were forgetting it once and while".
"You think?" she asked ironically.
"Oh, come on love! This is great news!" Harry said when she covered her face with her hands.
"No it's not! I...I can't be pregnant after twelve years and with Death Eaters on the loose!" she said indignantly but he just smiled.
"We're gonna have a baby", he said and she threw a pillow at him. He avoided it and sat next to her.
"Oh, this is so..." she started but as Harry kissed her she couldn't continue. At first she just let him kissing her but as he moved his hand under her shirt and placed it on her belly, she finally gave in and smiling she kissed him back.


Last edited by onar; 01-15-2009 at 07:21 PM.
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